Thoughts from Adult Children of Divorce

How Divorce Affects Adult Children: Real Experiences

For those of you who “stay together for the children” and who think that the end of a marriage does not affect adult children consider these statements:

“My parents, who have been married for 34 years, are getting a divorce. The reasons for it are valid. It is the most sickening, helpless feeling watching my Dad shatter into 1000 pieces while simultaneously watching my Mom be excited to be free. I have never felt such conflicted warring feelings. In some ways it has made me feel insecure about my own marriage. Like am I doing any of the things that drove my parents apart in my own relationship? Talk about a reality check. I am rocked to the core.”

“My parents divorced when I was 32. It was very strange to be an adult child and hear from my Dad how miserable he had been, and how he basically was waiting for my sister and I to grow up before he left. It tainted so many happy memories for me and made me question a lot about my childhood.”

No matter where you are in life, no matter how old your children are, your family will benefit from a better divorce. A no court, holistic and healing process is available to you at the Collaborative Divorce Center.

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