The Importance of Getting Away

This past month I took a trip to a place I had never been before to hang out with people I had never met before and to do something that brings me joy. For a solid week I bicycled around Northern Vermont soaking in the cool, fresh air off of Lake Champlain, seeing the greenest of green fields for as far as my eyes could see, making new friends and being awed by and grateful for my body’s ability to get up and do it all again the next day! I love cycling. It makes me feel free and so strong all at the same time.
And once I got over the twitchy feeling of being disconnected from email and the internet and my staff (who are perfectly capable of handling whatever comes up when I am away!), I started to really relax for the first time in a long time. Ending each day physically exhausted and exhilarated and enchanted was just what I needed to recharge. Family law lawyers are in the midst of human suffering every day and yet we are not taught how to deal with the stress of holding so much pain and fear for our clients. We do not learn how to deal with compassion fatigue, frustration at working in a broken system that harms families and the stress of being made to feel responsible for so much that is so important to our clients. One of my friends says that she literally goes through the motions of taking off what she describes as her “Teflon suit” every day before she leaves her workplace and then puts it back on each morning. I wish it was so easy to leave it all at the office!
I did leave it all behind and used my behind to propel me though the Vermont countryside
I am back renewed and refreshed and thought you all might like to see how great it was!

This is my serious riding face.

This was at the top of a very steep hill. I am surprised I look so happy!