A family transition expert provides emotional support, guidance, and tools to navigate the challenges of divorce, helping you manage stress, communicate effectively, and make informed decisions for the well-being of your family.
Absolutely. A family expert has specialized training in co-parenting guidance and will assist you in developing effective co-parenting strategies, resolving conflicts, and creating a healthy and nurturing environment for your children.
The duration of your work with the family expert varies depending on the unique needs of each family. Generally the family transition expert’s engagment is limited to the completion of the divorce process. Some families may benefit from additional counseling by one or both parents with thier own therapists to achieve their desired outcomes. The Consensus process welcomes participation of individual spouse’s therapists if needed.
A family expert works with both parties together in joint sessions and individually to facilitate constructive discussions and problem-solving. They can also work with individuals separately to address personal concerns relating to divorce and co-parenting issues and provide additional support.
No, the joint financial specialist remains neutral throughout the process, acting as a facilitator of financial discussions. They provide guidance and support to both parties, ensuring fairness and equal representation.
Absolutely. A joint financial specialist can help you develop a comprehensive financial plan that considers your future goals and supports your transition into post-divorce life. They provide guidance on budgeting, asset division, retirement, and financial considerations related to child support and alimony. The Consensus process also welcomes the participation of any financial professional who are or will be working either client after the divorce.
The role of the joint financial specialist is to provide financial expertise, analysis, and guidance. They do not provide financial advice, per se, or legal advice and they do not represent either party–they assist both spouses during the divorce process. The divorce lawyers work alongside the joint financial specilaist to address legal matters and ensure a comprehensive approach to the divorce process.
Choosing the Consensus Process empowers you to maintain control over decisions that shape your family’s future. By committing to stay out of court, our team can focus solely on resolving issues and finding solutions, rather than preparing for litigation. As a result, a Consensus Divorce Process is typically less expensive than traditional litigation. Most importanly, no one can predict the full and final cost of a traditional divorce; here at Consensus you will know the total cost upfront, before you begin.
Absolutely. The difference is that your lawyer is committed to negotiating an acceptable resolution for you and not to wasting your hard earned money on “preparing a case” in the hope of persuading a total stranger, the judge, to take your side. Over 89% of divorce cases settle prior to trial. Why waste your time and money preparing for something that won’t happen?
Instead, your lawyer can focus on your needs and wants after you are divorced and dedicate all of his or her time and energy in achieving as many of those as possible. You will always have attorney confidentiality and will talk to your attorney in private to prepare for negotiation sessions and at any other time you need to.
Strategic, Streamlined and Supported.
No one can tell you what a traditional or litigated divorce will cost. That is because most lawyers bill by the hour and the client has no way of anticipating how many hours will be spent on his or her case. You have no control over what actions the lawyer deems necessary or how long those may take. At the end of each month, you will get a bill and be asked to pay it. One month is may be minimal and the next it may be thousands of dollars. And each spouse will be paying their lawyer on demand. It’s liking going to the grocery store where your lawyer gets to put into the cart whatever they want and you have to pay for it!
At Consensus, our team will get to know your family, evaluate your case, decide what needs to be done to complete your parenting agreement and the division of your assets and liabilities and then give you a price. Upfront. Before you begin.
One price, one place, one team.
The Consensus Divorce Process is kind of like mediation, only better. You will be negotiating an acceptable resolution, which is what we try to do in mediation. but you will have the support and assistance of your family counselor and financial expert along with your lawyer.
Call us at (386) 271‑8044, email us at pam@masterscdc.com, or fill out the form below and we will be in touch.
647 S Ridgewood Ave, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
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