Divorce coaching provides guidance and support so that self-represented parties can participate in the family court system without feeling so overwhelmed and alone. Our Divorce Coaching services allows you to do as much of the work as you can and you may opt for as much or as little help as you need and can afford.
Contact the Collaborative Divorce Center about our Divorce Coaching Service. Whether you are officially in the process, considering your options with your partner or perhaps it is just a thought you are having, Divorce Coach can help.
Knowing how to tell your spouse you want a divorce is important, but knowing when to give the news is also important and can make the difference between an adversarial divorce or a respectful one. Timing is (almost) everything.
Call The Collaborative Divorce Center in Daytona, Florida at 386-271-8044.
The collaborative law team will meet as many times as needed to resolve all issues. Most cases are resolved in three to five meetings. Each meeting is limited to two hours.
We aim to help you navigate your divorce in a stress-free way.
Call (386) 271‑8044 today for more information and to see if collaborative divorce is right for you. See how we bill for pricing options for a collaborative divorce.
Getting a divorce is a big decision and here in Florida as well as most places it can be quite expensive. The Collaborative Divorce Center understands this and working with us is a great way to avoid the steep cost of getting divorced and the bickering that comes along with it. Our office offers fee caps, value billing, and flat fees to ensure you can afford our services.
If you’re looking for more peaceful divorce alternatives, look no further than The Collaborative Divorce Center in Daytona. Call or use the form below to book a free consultation.
One hour coaching session: $250.00. Additional sessions as needed. Discounts available for multiple sessions.
Call us at (386) 271‑8044, email us at pam@masterscdc.com, or fill out the form below and we will be in touch.
647 S Ridgewood Ave, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
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